How i make $10000 using an app

Actually i do not have any experience with making mobile apps, nor with making $10k with software, but from what I have seen, it all starts with having a good idea.

You need a basic concept (cfr. Snapchat, Instagram, Flappy Bird,…) that will attract customers and might go viral. This basic concept should revolve around a certain target audience (teens, adults, singles, sportsmen,…).

Once you have written down some ideas, start working on the design and analysis of your app (database model, domain model,…) and write down all functional and non-functional requirements you deem important.

After all the analysis, it’s time for the development. Write your code in such a way that it is easy for you to understand, test and fix, so that you can improve and expand your app quickly when the customers want to see something different/new.

Try to keep your app as simple as possible (KISS => Keep It Simple Stupid) so that it focusses on one subject (eg. fitness) or even on one detail (eg. calories chart) so that the customer doesn’t have to go through a ton of windows to find that one function they will use.
Also go for a simple design so that everything’s clear and easy to use


For the money making part, try to start by releasing a free app, you could add advertisements to this app. People love to use free apps and don’t really mind ads that much if the app is good enough. You could also implement a premium version and sell it for a small amount of money (eg. $0.89) so that people who don’t want ads, will pay for your app anyway.

Another option (I only advise this once you have gained a certain “reputation” in the app stores with other, free, apps) would be selling your app for a small amount ($0.89-2.99). This will look less attractive for users to try, because they’d have to spend money to try out your app, but you could also release a limited, free version for them to try out your application.

That being said, there is no predefined way to earn $10k with an app (if this was possible, there would be a lot of millionaires out there right now). Hard work, trial and error and a good concept could get you this much money, but there’s already a lot of competition out there.

Good luck with this.

Ali Soliman

i have tried money online and so far it is good

78w ago

i do not know have any experience in this kind of stuff

Original siteon Quora

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